Advising sellers of businesses with $5M - $75M in revenue

Valuate and sell your company with complete confidence.

I provide clarity on how to properly exit your business.

Do you feel like the business you’ve worked hard to build is now holding you back?

Are you ready to enjoy the rewards of your hard work?

Are you struggling to know what to do with your business?


Relief From
Business Burnout


Free To Do The
Things You Want


Experience New
Life Stages

Experience The Freedom You Deserve To
Do The Things You Want.


Proven Framework

Using the E4 Pillars, I’ll help you understand the best way to exit your business.


Increased Value

Your unique business means a lot to you. You'll know exactly how much your business is worth.


New Connections

The right buyer is almost as important as the right price. You’ll be confident your business will continue to succeed.


The Proven Process


Schedule a Meeting

We'll discuss your personal goals and details about the process.

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Appraise Your Business

Until we gain confidence in your business’ value, we’re just shooting in the dark. A proper price is the foundation of a good deal.

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Connect With The Right Buyer

My robust and proven 52 Step Process ensures I’ll find the right buyer.


Finish strong.

We know you want to enjoy the life you live with those you love. You've worked so hard to build an incredible business and now it's time to take the next step in your life. In order to do that, you need to exit (or sell) your business. The problem is you need to find the value of your business and its qualified buyer and you don't have the time or energy to do this alone.

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I believe you deserve to enjoy the rewards of what you worked so hard to achieve. Finding someone to walk you through the single most important business decision you will make ought to be the easiest thing you do. After owning and selling my personal businesses, I understand how critical it is to have a business advocate when transitions happen. That's why, as an M&A Advisor, I've spent almost a decade helping business owners walk through a simple framework for preparing and exiting their business. Let's talk soon.