The buying process

  • 1. NDA & Buyer Profile

    Fill out my Non Disclosure Agreement and Buyer Profile. This will help me understand your search criteria and match you with the best available business.

  • 2. Review The CIM

    Review the Confidential Information Memorandum to determine if you’d like to learn more about the business.

  • 3. Phone Call With Me

    A 10-15 minute call where I can learn more about you, and also tell you more about the business of which you are inquiring.

  • 4. Contact With The Seller

    Once its determined you and the business are a good fit for each other, we can set up phone calls and on-site meetings with the seller.

  • 5. Make an Offer

    After a thorough review of the company, if you desire to purchase it, it’s time to make an offer. I advise my clients to not accept an offer without having met the buyer in-person.

  • 6. Due Diligence & Closing

    After agreeing on the purchase price and terms, you’ll be granted a reasonable amount of time to perform due diligence. We’ll close the deal and celebrate together.